From left to right: Kent Barnheiser, Ruth Vossman Barnheiser, Stuart Weinberg (and lanyard),
Amy Barnheiser Waddell, Steve Waddell holding daughter Audrey
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1st row sitting, left to right: Amy, 6-yr-old son Rhys, Frank Root; 2nd row sitting, left
to right: Phyllis Erbaugh, Mary Helen Lecklider, Marilyn Singerman, Ruth, Kent

Jack Singerman, sitting, with Executive Director Jeff Merhige standing behind him.
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Jack continues to tell stories about Kent, with notes on his lap, striking a pose similar
to when he led his summer staff meetings in the 1960's?

Chuck Snyder sharing additional stories of Kent and his relationship to the poolhouse.
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Jack, guests, and the 2007 Summer Staff listen as Kent talks to the group.

Rhys, Amy and Kent just prior to the ribbon-cutting, with the flagpole and Jack Singerman Lodge
in the background.
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Rhys, Amy and Kent cut the ribbon to dedicate the Kent Barnheiser Bathhouse.